Our Christmas Miracle

A few days before Christmas, I was feeling very heavy hearted about life in general…. On the fanatical side of life things could be better, the house needs work, the girls school fees for the new year need to be budgeted for, Christmas gifts, Leah’s up and coming hospital visits, its like our snow ball just keeps on growing and I was feeling tired, emotionally exhausted I remember waking up and asking God why everything had happen to us, I remember saying “I don’t mind the snow balls Lord….just stagger them if you can, why do you send me a huge ball of difficulties…..I just cant handle everything at once, I need a break to breath,” I was angry and I hated the heavy feeling pressing on my chest.

Christmas Eve my husband and I decided to do our last Christmas shopping, with what was left of our free spending cash, we were going to do the shopping on our own but Heather and Alex (my brother and sister-in-law) decided we make this a group outing, so we waited and left for the mall in one car, we were planning to go to a mall close by but on the last minute Alex and Heather said we should skip the little mall and we took the off ramp to the big mall a little further away…………… now this is were our story begins

  • 1st blessing….. The mall was surprisingly quiet!!!! We had missed the flurry of crazy shoppers and breezed from one store to the next without any problems!!!

  • 2nd blessing we found the most beautiful gifts for the girls and Aunty Heather and Uncle Alex decided that one gift was just not enough!!!! So we left the store with so much more than we expected

  • 3rd …blessing Ashley got hungry!!!! Yes only my husband would feel hungry after having breakfast about and hour before we left, he was the only hungry one in the group and he made us pull off for a pits stop at a little coffee shop.

  • 4th blessing…. Leah decides to smile and wave with a gentleman and kind lady sitting at a table close by

  • 5th blessing… the gentleman walks over to our table and hands Leah the cutest soft toy and says that she has been smiling with them all this time and he just feels the need to give her the little toy dog as a early Christmas gift, I was so touched that a stranger could be so kind, I then go over and thank him and the kind lady and at the same time I hand him the web address for our blog

  • 6th blessing… a few minutes passes by and the gentlemen returns to our table, this time he takes out a role of money and says that he feels he need to bless our family with this cash and he puts the money in my hand gets up and walks away, now by this time I am in shock my husband has no expression on his face, I don’t know what to say, this time I go over to them and ask them why??? They don’t know me?? What stranger just gives money away??? He introduced himself as Steve from Ambassadors for Christ now when he said that I had goose bumps all over!! The lady who’s name is Heather had tears in her eyes and all she said was “Because you were obedient to God and kept Leah he will always provide just carry on and trust God he is real” Steve then tells me a story of how they were not suppose to be in Cape Town, they were actually visiting friend in Durban who decided to bring them along to Cape Town for a holiday!!! I am so overwhelmed by what happened and I thank them and walk back to my table

  • 7th blessing Steve returns to my table and says that God had spoken to his heart while I was holding Leah and speaking to them at their table and he handed us another role of cash, he smiles wished us a merry Christmas and walked back to his table.

We were not suppose to go to that specific mall in the first place, we had such a huge breakfast before we left I could not understand how Ashley got hungry so quickly and our plan was not to stop for any snacks bcause we had limited time to do our shopping!!

God blessed us with two thousand rand in cash, two thousand we never had when we started our day!!! I only realized after everything took place Leah was so happy and friendly, she blew a kiss at Steve and Heather as we left the coffee shop and its not like  Leah to be so friendly with strangers, but obviously she saw more than strangers…  im sure she knew what God was doing through these people.So I sit here today replaying the events of Christmas Eve over and over in my head….. And I’m speechless, as to what can only be the work of God….. I know now without a doubt that God has a plan for our family, we just have to trust him; he used two complete strangers to erase whatever doubt was left in my mind…. How awesome is our God!!!


Merry Christmas Everyone

This past year has been a very emotionally challenging year for me, there were times I felt like giving up, but I realized something, the reason why I stayed strong is because I am surrounded by so many special  family and friends. Because of your positive and caring encouragement, I always know that I’m not alone and you will always be there for me. I often get told that it takes “special” parents to raise a “special needs” child, but I believe that those “special” parents also need “special” friends to help keep them grounded for the task at hand.

So from the bottom of my heart I thank you for being my special friends and I look forward to a new year which I’m sure will have some challenges, but I know I’m not alone because I have found truly amazing people to share my life with.






Weighing things up

Leah got hold of a very  “old” scale the other day and I managed to capture a few shots of her during her very own weight watching session, now I’m not quite sure why she reacted this way????? maybe she has seen someone she knows  (I wonder who that could be??) actually have this very reaction during a “scale moment”  and on that note I say no more 🙂

Okay im on the scale and feeling fantastic!!!!

Ooooh im not so sure maybe i should weigh my diaper first! I’m sure that’s were the problem could be.

Okay im not impressed!!! mom said those cookies were fat free!!!!

Maybe  i should through a tantrum, sometimes that works to make thing better

Oh what the heck!!!! Its almost Christmas…..  Someone give me another cookie while i use my new seat!!!!

The Art of Sibling Rivalry

I decided to repost a golden oldie from 2008…. its 2011 and we still at it!!!

It is common amongst the human species to nurture more than one young little human, common numbers of little ones in the family seem to drift around 2-3 in total (there are sometimes more!!!) sometimes the spacing gap between the birth of these little humans never seem to go as planed because like in the wild, there comes a time when the little humans don’t seem to get along….. they become irritated with each other, they act out in various ways …… as is the case of the Kay household….. so todays on Sibling Geographic we will observe the little sibling learning the art of attack and scream…… we will see that size is no issue when it comes to wanting your way or just wanting to tease the living daylights out of your older sister just because you can….

In this image we observe the older and younger sibling playing together in what seems to be a peaceful play station event…


The younger sibling soon realized that the older sibling did not connect her control to the game console, she now feels cheated and is clearly upset as we can see in the image below… this frustration is displayed by an event known as screaming.


In this next image, we can clearly see that the young sibling is devising a plan of action to avenge not being “plugged into the game”


The older sibling feels the need to firmly tell the younger sibling to “go away”….. but this is not to be…


“The attack”


This coordinated attack took place while the younger siblings back was turned, little smacks to the head and hair pulling was used to display the younger siblings dissatisfaction.


At this point the Mother of the young put down the camera and separated the rivalry, and negotiated a “Plug In” The satisfaction of the negotiations are clearly evident below


Please note that no siblings were hurt during the confrontation and life carried on as usual in the Kay household