Here we come 2015

If there is one thing I want to do in 2015 it would be to keep this blog updated!! Yes I have been bad but hey I have a very busy 8 year old keeping me on my toes… (as well as a 17year old and a 12 year old). I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our followers, all who commented all who shared our post…. EVERYONE!! Thank you for being such a positive source of encouragement. You may be close to home or oceans apart but you are very near and dear to my heart, so lets keep on doing what we do best and keep raising awareness:) Love and Hugs Charms and Leah

By The Way… we are now on FaceBook (raising leah. raising a child with dwarfism in South Africa) go and like us !

raising Leah

Sometimes we have awesome days!!

Just had to share this with may cyber family out there!! Leah participated in the school soccer world cup. This is a annual event for the school. Each class is divided into teams, each team then competes to be the ultimate soccer team trophy holders. This year Leah was part of the girls soccer squad aged 7-8, and Leahs team was crowned the World Cup Champions (in her age group) for 2014!! All this confirming  that dynamite truly does come in small packages 🙂 I’m so proud of her for being such a go getter…Most of all she has the best friends in the word, they truly are a awesome little girls and we are so proud of the all the teams that participated.


Raising LeahRaising Leah