The Doctors Visit

I thought I would do a short post just to inform everyone of Leah’s hospital check. On the whole Leah is doing great except for her Obstructive sleep apnea, things have not changed much so with the advice of the doctor we will be going ahead with the surgery which is scheduled for the 17th of July.

I am worried and I hoped that things would improve, but as much as I wanted to avoid the operation things have in fact gotten worse over the past few months so it will be out with the tonsils, adenoids and tubes in the ears.

Leah’s growth has not changed much her height is 28.82 inches (73.2cm) and head circumference is 20.87inches (53cm)

So we have one more visit for a final assessment before the operation in the first week of July, thereafter we go ahead as planned but I will keep everyone up-to-date over the next few weeks. So that was just a little update on our mid year hospital visit at the genetic clinic.

What have I been up too…..

It’s been very busy over the past few weeks and I must admit that I have neglected the blog a wee bit!!! But here we are back on track. Besides being busy and finding myself utterly exhausted at the end of the day, it’s been pretty good in the Kay household.

Leah is growing up so fast and becoming a “little miss madam”, her vocabulary has multiplied by leaps and bounds, so there is no way that we can misinterpreted what she is saying to us. She has become very demanding in her requests, a prime example will be wanting her bottle, if she does not get her bottle within 5 seconds of her asking for it, she will go into the “I want my milky, I want my milky, repeat myself over and over mode” But I, have developed the “blank out repeat mode” where I don’t hear the moaning…. I figured it’s the only way she is going to learn that sometimes you need to be patient in life.

She has gone into the doll-playing phase, and just loves wrapping the doll in a blanket and singing the dolly to sleep, and of course all the dolls are named Leah. Leah has developed a love for cleaning as well, so dusting (the same spot for about 15min) sweeping and drying dishes (the non- breakables) are amongst her favorite tasks. Recently she has decided it would be fine to refer to Mommy and Daddy on a first name basis, I do remember Simone and Nicole doing the same so Im not too concerned, as this too will pass (I hope).

There are a few bigger issues that need to be addressed.  First is the dreaded potty, there has been lots of potty advice doing the rounds on the blogs and I absolutely enjoyed all the stories and advice, but for us it’s a firm NO right now, Leah has told me that she “no go potty” (with anger I might add) so I guess its no use forcing the issue, she dose however enjoy wearing her undies over the diaper. Second would be the bottle and the pacifier issue. Our home (grandma as well) is stocked with at least 5 pacifiers, even with all this back up stock we often find ourselves working as a team crawling on all fours searching for the pacifier, while in the background not to far away we can hear Leah screaming her lungs out “pretty much like the day she was born” I would compare her pacifier to the mute button on our television remote there are times that the volume needs to be turned down and Leah seems to have no concept of volume, and sometimes mom needs some quiet time to reflect…..  I’m still not quite sure what I am reflecting on… 🙂

The biggest of all issues we are trying to overcome will have to be the “bed”… Leah has found our bed to be very comfortable…that means between mom and dad is very comfortable. I sometimes wonder how this little body manages to use most of the bed space?? Ashley and myself have developed the art of sleeping “on the edge” and sometimes when we do roll into “Leah area” she does not hesitate to ask us to  “ move… me squashy”. She does fall asleep in her own bed, but she somehow has a built in “mom and dad are in bed detector” so the most time we have to make full use of the bed space is about 10min, after our 10 min bed stretch we will feel Leah climbing her way up the foot end and eventually takes her position smack bang in the center. So on this issue I would like to know if there are other “middle sleepers” out there… maybe I will feel better knowing that im not alone, or maybe someone can tell me how to get her to sleep in her own bed!!!!

Last but not least, and also the cutest…Leah has also been taking note of all the girly things that happen around her on a daily basis and she just loves to Re-enact what she has seen, sometimes I wonder if we have a little Makeup artist in the making….