What have we been up to?

 Hi all, can you believe that its that time of year again, I know we say this every year but wow. …Time sure does fly by its almost Christmas, if I have been quiet on the blog duties I do apologize my computer broke and unfortunately I am unable to replace it right now so I have been doing some computer hopping to check on my LP facebook peeps and to update the blog LOL

 This has been one busy year for our family and im sure for many others. We have faced some really stressful situations and had to make some hard decisions, it seemed as if everything we touched failed, but through it all Gods grace and love has been amazing, our family is stronger than ever and what could have been a nasty situation somehow has brought us together and we face our trials as a team. What we find is that in all trials and storms we praise God because we know that he is true to his word after all we still have each other and when one is down, the other is there to lift you up.

So how do we know this about Gods faithfulness…? We look at Leah, she is a living testimony of Gods grace and faithfulness, before she took her first breath she was not given a good prognosis, I was told to consider my options on termination as there was no guarantees as to what her “quality of life” would be. When she was born she was placed on my chest and we were wheeled into a isolation room as I lay with her tiny naked body on my chest I could hear her struggle for each breath of air to fill her tiny lungs they just left us there alone, I held her tight and with tears in my I eyes I said “Lord you gave her to me and you are the God of the impossible, It is written that you can do the impossible and you know the plans you have for Leah’s life” needless to say Leah is 4 years old today she is a absolute joy and we look at her to remind us that no matter how dark and gloomy some problems may seem God is faithful and He knows the plans he has for your life.

I’m not sure why I decided to share this with you today maybe I am meant to encourage you somehow, so if you feeling like all hope is lost just remember         

Luke 1:37 says

 “For with God nothing shall be impossible”

This picture was taken recently and when I asked Leah what she was thinking she said “Jesus loves me more that all this water” sometimes we as adults can learn so much form our children……..