Here we come 2015

If there is one thing I want to do in 2015 it would be to keep this blog updated!! Yes I have been bad but hey I have a very busy 8 year old keeping me on my toes… (as well as a 17year old and a 12 year old). I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our followers, all who commented all who shared our post…. EVERYONE!! Thank you for being such a positive source of encouragement. You may be close to home or oceans apart but you are very near and dear to my heart, so lets keep on doing what we do best and keep raising awareness:) Love and Hugs Charms and Leah

By The Way… we are now on FaceBook (raising leah. raising a child with dwarfism in South Africa) go and like us !

raising Leah

Luke 1: 37

Instead of posting loads of dwarfism anatomy facts, I decided to share some of my favorite verses of encouragement for the month of October. I think each picture captures Leahs personality perfectly; what you see is what you get… Leah is a happy, fun loving little girl, always smiling and affectionate, she is truly an amazing kid!



Big day for our big girl

Leah is about to embark on a new journey, it’s a brand new start to her life and it’s a whole new start for me as well. We will be starting main stream school, it’s no longer the protective environment of pre-school it’s a step up to a “not so enclosed” environment, it’s a step into a word were she will be advancing academically and it’s the start  of learning how to live and deal with the “tall” world.

Now I know it may seem like I’m being dramatic, but this is my platform to be true and honest, I am very emotional at thought of this event and yes this is not the first child I’m sending off to school but this  time it’s a bit different not just for me but for our whole family. This is Leah, our little girl who changed everything about our lives from the moment she took her first breath.

One of my weaknesses in life is where I tend to think ahead of time and I find myself stressing about all the “what if moments” and inevitably nothing really happens. On a recent shopping trip some kids stopped to point and make fun of Leah, the look in her eyes made me feel as if someone had stuck their hand through my chest and ripped out my heart, but I had to suck it up and remind her that she is beautiful and she shouldn’t worry about what people do or say. It’s these moments that make me develop “sending Leah to school anxiety” but as much as I hate to admit it, it’s these moments that is going to be part of her life and now is the time she will start to learn how to deal with these situations without me being there.

I wish I could protect her from everything that it’s hurtful but I know that this is not possible. I do believe a sheltered life is not going to make her a very productive adult in future, she has to go and grow in the world made for tall people, and I have to let go and make sure I always remind her that she is awesome and beautiful and she can do anything she sets her mind to. I will be sure to take lots to pictures and post them for all to see but for now… Wish me luck 🙂
